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Anker 3

Arti-Ceram Articulating Paper

Arti Ceram Articulating Paper for Ceramics

Bausch Arti-Ceram Articulating Paper green 200 µm and 100 µm


In order to achieve an optimal colour adaption to the natural tooth substance, various types of ceramic are available, such as glass ceramic, zirconia ceramic and feldspathic ceramic. These materials are used for (temporary) crowns as well as for inlays and onlays and can be highly polished for an outstanding aesthetics. However, there are challenges for dentists when adjusting the occlusion with these highly polished materials, which are often produced using CAD/CAM technologies, as traditional occlusion test materials are often ineffective for checking the occlusion.

In order to be able to identify premature contacts effectively, we have addressed this problem intensively and decided for the proven colour GREEN, which has been established in dental technology for decades. This colour offers the decisive advantage of being clearly visible and rich in contrast on the aesthetic highly polished surfaces of these ceramics due to special colour pigments. Our Arti-Ceram product is available in two thicknesses, 200µm and 100µm, in strips and in horseshoe shape, and enables a precise adjustment of the occlusion to ensure the best possible function and aesthetics.

Anker 4

Arti-Pink Bite Wax

ArtiPink Bite Wax

Arti-Pink Bite Wax by Bausch is used for precise bite registration and enables the exact reproduction of contours in the intercuspation. It is characterised by its excellent modelling properties. With a thickness of 3 mm, this extra hard wax is not only available as a 150 mm x 80 mm plate, but also in oval shape in the prefabricated sizes S, M and L.

In order to use Arti-Pink Bite Wax, heat the extra hard wax in hot water until it reaches a melting temperature of approx. 55° C. This makes it shapeable and ready for use for a precise bite registration.

Użycie Arti-Pink Bite Wax

Anker 1

Arti-Fol metallic Complete 12µ


Arti-Fol metallic Complete BK 328 łączy sprawdzoną folię metaliczną Arti-Fol black/red z nowym, higienicznie doskonałym uchwytem kartonowym. 


Dzięki swojemu specjalnemu kształtowi Arti-Fol metallic Complete może być stosowany pojedynczo po lewej lub prawej stronie lub razem na cały łuk zębowy. 


Unikalna kombinacja folii metalowej high-tech (folia Shimstock 12µm) i dwustronnej kolorowej powłoki z mikro drobno zmielonymi pigmentami barwnymi umożliwia wyraźne oznaczenie wszystkich punktów kontaktowych zgryzu. 

Arti-Fol metallic Complete BK 328 precyzyjnie i wyraźnie oznacza punkty kontaktowe na powierzchniach okluzyjnych wykonanych z różnych materiałów oraz na zębach naturalnych.


Materiał umożliwia efektywną korektę okluzji, również na szynach okluzyjnych (bruksizm) w wersji statycznej i dynamicznej, które dzięki dwóm różnym kolorom można kolejno oznaczać jedną folią.

Łatwa obsługa dzięki zintegrowanemu uchwytowi kartonowemu.

Anker 2

OccluSense — okluzja cyfrowa